Many online business owners tend to invest resources in developing a compelling website showcasing their products or services. They keep tweaking, optimising, and promoting it, hoping it will help them get their users to make a purchase. But all these efforts are most likely to fall flat if a business tuned out one crucial step in turning a viewer into a purchaser: the payment process. The fact that your customer reached the checkout doesn’t imply a completed purchase. At this phase, your payment page plays a crucial role.
In today’s article, we’re about to learn more about payment pages and how to make everything work as a clock.
What is a payment page?
That’s why the quality of the payment page affects your conversion rate considerably. With this in mind, the best practice is to provide a choice from multiple payment options. It minimises the chance that you’ll lose a sale because there just wasn’t a suitable payment option for a user. If a business offers a range of payment options to choose from, a customer can select a preferable one and enter the data needed for this particular method.
Once a user completed every step of a chosen payment flow (data entry, verification, confirmation, or others), he finally turns into a purchaser.
What kinds of payment pages are there?
The types of payment pages depend on the classification criteria. The most legitimate ways of breaking them up into types are per integration option and the number of steps. Integration is an issue worth a much closer look, so we’ll get back to it at the final part of the article. For now, let’s divide payment pages by size:
- One-step, or one-page, is when all the checkout process elements are displayed on a single page, and a user can enter their data in any particular order.